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MS Excel mcq for Competitive Exams

Writer's picture: Rajesh SinghRajesh Singh

Updated: Jan 14, 2024

Q1. Which of following tools is used for Data Analysis? डेटा विश्लेषण के लिए निम्नलिखित में से किस उपकरण का उपयोग किया जाता है?

A. MS Word

B. MS Excel

C. MS Power Point

D. None

Ans: B

Q2. Which function is used to join two or more text string together in MS Excel? एमएस एक्सेल में दो या दो से अधिक टेक्स्ट स्ट्रिंग को एक साथ जोड़ने के लिए किस फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग किया जाता है?

A. Concatenate

B. Vlookup

C. Sumif

D. None

Ans: A

Q3. What is the extension of Excel file?

A. .xls

B. .jpg

C. .txt

D. None

Ans: A

Q4. An Excel a workbook is the collection of …. एक्सेल एक कार्यपुस्तिका ...का संग्रह है।

A. Worksheets

B. Charts

C. Workbooks

D. Worksheets and charts

Ans: D

5. Q. What is the shortcut command to enable filtering of selected cells in MS Excel? MS Excel में चयनित सेल्स को फ़िल्टर करने को सक्षम करने के लिए शॉर्टकट कमांड क्या है?

A. Ctrl+Shift+L

B. Ctrl+F

C. Ctrl+L

D. None

Ans: A

Q6. Which is not an example of DBMS?

A. SQL-Server


C. Microsoft Outlook

D. Mcirosoft Access

Ans: D

Q7. Which of the following is used to navigate through hypermedia structures?

हाइपरमीडिया संरचनाओं के माध्यम से नेविगेट करने के लिए निम्नलिखित में से किसका उपयोग किया जाता है?

A. Nodes

B. Keys

C. Buttons

D. None

Ans: A

Q8. The column of a Microsoft Access table is known as a: माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एक्सेस टेबल के कॉलम को इस रूप में जाना जाता है:

A. Inverted row

B. Vertical cell

C. Record

D. Field

Ans: D

Q9. The best application to express a large amount of detailed data would be…. बड़ी मात्रा में विस्तृत डेटा को व्यक्त करने के लिए सबसे अच्छा एप्लिकेशन होगा…।

A. Outlook

B. Excel

C. Word

D. Notepad

Ans: B

Q10. Which component of MS Office is mainly used for accounting purpose? एमएस ऑफिस का कौन सा घटक मुख्य रूप से लेखांकन उद्देश्य के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है?

A. MS Word

B. MS Excel

C. MS Access

D. None

Ans: B

Q11. Which of the following is not an archive format?

A. Zip

B. .xlsx

C. Rar

D. Tar

Ans: B

Q12. Workbook is basically related to ……

A. MS Excel

B. MS Word

C. Ms Power point

D. Notepad

Ans: A

Q13. एमएस एक्सेल में बनाई गई फाइल को क्या कहते हैं…What is the file created in MS Excel called?

A. Grid

B. Database

C. Worksheet

D. Workbook

Ans: D

Q14. A Doughnut chart in excel is similar to…

A. Bubble chart

B. Bar chart

C. Scatter chart

D. Pie chart

Ans: D

Q15. How many Maximum columns in one spread sheet in MS Word 2003?

A. 254

B. 256

C. 10000

D. 1024

Ans: B

Q16. How many Maximum columns in one spread sheet in MS Word 2007?

A. 254

B. 256

C. 16,384

D. 1024

Ans: C

Q17. How many Maximum Rows in one spread sheet in MS Word 2003?

A. 65536

B. 1048576

C. 10000

D. 100000

Ans: A

Q18. How many Maximum rows in one spread sheet in MS Word 2007?

A. 65536

B. 1048576

C. 10000

D. 100000

Ans: B

Q19. MS Excel is a….

A. Financial planning packages

B. Electronic spreadsheet

C. Graphics package

D. Database Management package

Ans: B

Q20. Making headings visible even while scrolling in Excel can be done by using- एक्सेल में स्क्रॉल करते समय भी शीर्षकों को दृश्यमान बनाना इसका उपयोग करके किया जा सकता है-

A. Free Pane

B. Paradox

C. Fixed Pane

D. Carousel

Ans: A

Q21. In Excel tiny charts placed in single cells are called……

A. Spark Lines

B. Data Tray

C. Pivot Tables

D. Filters

Ans: A

Q22. Where is the cancel button located in MS Excel?

A. Tool Bar

B. Menu Bar

C. Title Bar

D. Formula Bar

Ans: D

Q23. Which of the following can be created in Excel?

A. Line graphs and pie charts

B. Only line graphs

C. Bar charts, line graphs and pie charts

D. Bar charts and line graphs

Ans: C

Q24. The intersection of rows and column is known as

A. Data

B. Cell

C. Filed

D. None

Ans: B

Q25. By default how text is horizontally aligned inside a cell in Excel?

A. Left aligned

B. Centered aligned

C. Right aligned

D. None

Ans: A

Q26. In MS Excel 2013,the maximum characters in a cell….

A. 256

B. 16,384

C. 32767

D. None

Ans: C

Q27. Making heading visible even while scrolling in Excel can be done by using…….

A. Freeze Pane

B. Paradox

C. Fixed pane

D. Carousel

Ans: A

Q28. The default alignment of numbering data in MS Excel….

A. Left

B. Right

C. Center

D. Justify

Ans: B

Q29. The default alignment of texts in MS Excel is

A. Left

B. Right

C. Center

D. Justify

Ans: A

Q30. The default orientation in MS Excel worksheet…

A. Landscape

B. Portrait

C. Horizontal

D. None

Ans: B

Q31. The entire worksheet in excel can be selected by

A. Ctrl+spacebar

B. Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar

C. Shift + Spacebar

D. All of Above

Ans: B

Ctrl+Spacebar-------All columns selected

Shift + Spacebar……..Select all rows

Q32: What is the shortcut to auto sum all the numerical values in a column in MS Excel?

A. Ctrl+Screen lock

B. Shift+=

C. Alt+ Shift+=

D. Alt+=

Ans: D

Q33.What is the shortcut key to maximize the currently selected window?

A. Ctrl+ F9

B. Ctrl+ F10

C. Ctrl+ F11

D. None

Ans: B

Q34. In MS Office Excel, Formulas are made up of

A. Arithmetical operators and functions

B. Only Special Symbol

C. Only Arithmetic operators

D. None

Ans: A

Q35. Which is following a number you will use in a calculation in a spreadsheet?

A. Value

B. Cell

C. Field

D. Label

Ans: A

Q36. Which is helps to identify various plotted data series.

A. X-axis

B. Y-axis

C. Gridlines

D. Legend

Ans: D

Q37. Which year was first time launched Microsoft Excel?

A. 1985

B. 1991

C. 1995

D. 1998

Ans: A

Q38. Which function is used for row data in a column or column data in a row?

A. Column

B. Index

C. Transpose

D. Rows

Ans: C

Q39. How do you wrap the text in a cell?

A. Format, cells, font

B. Format, cells, protection

C. Format cells, alignment

D. None

Ans: C

Q40. Which is not function category in MS Office Excel?

A. Logical

B. Text

C. Financial

D. Data series

Ans: D

Q41. What is the shortcut key to show or hide Ribbon in MS Office?

A. ShiftF1

B. Ctrl+F1

C. Shift+F2

D. Ctrl+F3

Ans: B

Q42. What is the shortcut command for creating a chart from the selected cell in Range in Excel?

A. F2

B. F11

C. F4

D. F8

Ans: B

Q43. What if analysis is available which menu Bar?

A. Data

B. View

C. Insert

D. Formula

Ans: D

Q44. What is means of ^ in MS Excel?

A. Addition

B. Percentage

C. Exponentiation

D. Division

Ans: C

Q45. Which area allows entering of values and formula in Excel window?

A. Title Bar

B. Menu Bar

C. Formula Bar

D. Standard toolbar

Ans: C

Q46. Which of the following ribbon items includes Symbol dialog box?

A. Tools

B. Format

C. Insert

D. View

Ans: C

Q47. Which menu includes group, ungroup and subtotal option?

A. Data

B. Insert

C. Formula

D. None of Above

Ans: A

Q48. How to insert page number in a document in MS Word?

A. From insert menu by clicking page number

B. From file menu by clicking page setup

C. From insert menu by clinking endnote

D. None of Above

Ans: A

Q49. Which of the following the complete syntax for TIME function in Excel ?

A. TIME (hour, min, sec)

B. Time (day, hour, min)

C. Time (Hour, min, sec, ms)

D. None of Above

Ans: A

Q50. Tupple is known as ------ in Data base?

A. Row

B. Column

C. File

D. Table

Ans: A

Q51. What is the function under a function called in MS Excel?

A. Round function

B. Sandwich function

C. Switch function

D. Nested function

Ans: D

Q52. The effect of shortcut command Alt+Enter?

A. To make a new row in same cell

B. Cursor has gone in next row

C. Cursor has gone in next column

D. None of Above

Ans: A

Q53. What is the output of =Sum(A, 1, 2, 3)

A. 6

B. #Name?

C. Error

D. None of Above

Ans: B(due to string)

Q54. What is the out of following function =odd(343)

A. 345

B. 347

C. 341

D. 121

Ans: A

Q55. What is the shortcut command to display the value of the cell as percentage on MS Excel?

A. Shift+%

B. Alt+Shift+%

C. Alt+Clcik+%

D. Ctrl+Shift+%

Ans: D

Q56. Which chart is used to show trends of time and series?

A. Bar

B. Donet

C. Pie

D. Line

Ans: D

Q57. Which menus include deletes row/columns, delete cells, and delete table option?

A. Insert

B. Layout

C. Page layout

D. None of Above

Ans: B

Q58. Which is not valid function?

A. Week()

B. Day()

C. Month()

D. Time()


Q59. What is the output of =Round(23.456,1)

A. 23.46

B. 23.45

C. 23.456

D. None

Ans: A

Q60. What is the output of =Round(23.456,0)

A. 23

B. 23.4

C. 23.45

D. 23.456

Ans: A

Q61. What is the output of =Round(23.456,-1)

A. 20

B. 23

C. 24

D. 25

Ans: A

Q62. What is the output of =ceiling(23,3)

A. 24

B. 23

C. 21

D. None

Ans: A

63. What is the output of =floor(23,3)

A. 24

B. 23

C. 21

D. None

Ans: C

Q64. What is the output of =left(CareerBodh,2)

A. Career

B. Ca

C. Er

D. None

Ans: B

Q 65. What is the output of =len(CareerBodh)

A. CareerBodh

B. 2

C. 10

D. None

Ans: C

Q 66. What is the shortkey for inserting column?

A. Ctrl + Shift + "+"

B. Ctrl + "+"

C. Shift+ "+"

D. None of Above

Ans: A

Q 67. What is the output of following code?


A. 3.5

B. 4

C. 9

D. None of Above

Ans: B

Q 68. What is the output of following code?


A. 4

B. 3

C. 8

D. None of Above

Ans: A

Q69. How are data organized in a spreadsheet?

A. Lines and spaces

B. Rows and Columns

C. Charts and graph

D. Height and width

Ans: B

Q70. What does the vlookup function?

A. Looks up text that contain 'v'

B. Find cell

C. Find and replace data

D. Finds and related records

Ans: D

Q71. how many alignment in excel?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 6

D. 4

Ans: C

Q72. Which function convert row data in column and column data to in row?

A. Transpose

B. Rows

C. Index

D. Convert

Ans: A

Q73. A function inside another function is called a...........

A. Sum

B. Count

C. Ceiling

D. Nested

Ans: D

Q75. Paste special dialog contain following option

A. Values

B. Formats Formulas

C. Chararteristics

D. All of Above

Ans: D

Q76. Columns dialog box can be opened from

A. Format menu columns submenu

B. Double click on column space in ruler

C. press Alt +O+C

D. All of Above

Ans: D

Q77. Which key is used to lock cell references in a formula?*

A. F1


C. F2

D. F4

Ans: D

Q78. Which key use to switch between open Excel windows.




D. None of the above

Ans: A

Q79. 7. Which key is used for select/highlight all cells that are formulas?*

A. Find

B. Alignment

C. Go To

D. Go To Special

Ans; D

Q80. Which function is not in MS Excel?

A. Sum

B. Subtract

C. Min

Ans: B

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