Q1. Which of the following is NOT a hard skill?
A. Typing Speed
B. Machine Operation
C. Time Management
D. Coding
Ans: C
Q2. What are/is essential concept(s) for M2M Communication success?
A. Continuous connectivity
B. Message Delivery for sleeping devices
C. Message communication path selection
D. All of the above
Ans: D
Q3. Which one is not the feature of M2M?
A. Low Mobility
B. Time Controlled
C. Circuit Switched
D. Low Power Consumption
Ans: C
Q4. Which of the following depicts your social behavior?
A. Tradition
B. Culture
C. Manners
D. Greetings
Ans: C
Q5. Having conscious knowledge of your own self, capabilities, feelings and one’s own character is called as __________. स्वयं की स्वयं, क्षमताओं, भावनाओं और स्वयं के चरित्र के प्रति सचेत ज्ञान होना कहलाता है
A. Self-Regulation
B. Self-Motivation
C. Self-Awareness
D. None of the above
Ans: C
Q6. Which of following is/are suggested time management technique(s)?
A. Make good use of technology
B. Clean up and get organized
C. Concentrate on one key task at a time
D. All of the above
Ans: D
Q7. Mainly Real Time Systems are used for _______________.
A. Used for monitoring events as they occur
B. Used for real time interactive users
C. Used by user any time offline
D. Used for real time coding
Ans: A
Q8. The sequence required for the preparation of an interview is:
A. Job-searching, Self-Analyzing and Identifying skills
B. Identifying skills, Job-searching and Self-Analyzing
C. Self-Analyzing, Identifying skills and job-searching
D. Self-Analyzing, job-searching and Identifying skills
Ans: C
Q9. Determine the benefits of writing.
A. The speaker himself did not have to be present in order to communicate संवाद करने के लिए वक्ता को स्वयं उपस्थित होने की आवश्यकता नहीं है
B. The knowledge of one generation could be accumulated and passed on to the next एक पीढ़ी का ज्ञान संचित किया जा सकता है और अगली पीढ़ी को दिया जा सकता है
C. Both (A) & (B)
D. We can represent what we want
Ans: C
Q10. An individual's actions are most likely to be strongly controlled by conscience if they have a(n) __________ type of personality? यदि किसी व्यक्ति का व्यक्तित्व __________ प्रकार का है, तो उसके कार्यों को विवेक द्वारा दृढ़ता से नियंत्रित किए जाने की सबसे अधिक संभावना है?
A. Inner-directed personality
B. Other-directed personality
C. Partial-Directed
D. None of the above
Ans: A
Q11. The general categories of communications are ……. संचार की सामान्य श्रेणियाँ हैं
A. Speech, writing
B. Printing
C. Electronic communication
D. All of the above
Ans. D
Q12. ……………should be included in a resume solely upon request
A. Telephone number
B. Reference
C. Educational qualification
D. Work experience
Ans: B
Q13. Good manners do not include:
A. Treating people nicely
B. Good Body language
C. Actions
D. Abusing
Ans: D
Q14. Which of the following cannot be the communication barrier? निम्नलिखित में से कौन संचार बाधा नहीं हो सकता है?
A. Language
B. Culture
C. Physical
D. Habits
Ans: D
Q15. After the formal event is over, to whom should you write a thank you note? औपचारिक कार्यक्रम ख़त्म होने के बाद आपको किसे धन्यवाद पत्र लिखना चाहिए?
A. The event host
B. Sponsoring organizations
C. Special guests or dignitaries
D. All of the above
Ans: D
Q16. What does GPIO stand for?
A. General-Purpose Input/output
B. General-Purpose Inner/Outer
C. Both (A) & (B)
D. None of the Above
Ans: A
Q17. Which of the following environmental factors affects the personality?
A. Social factors
B. Cultural factors
C. Emotional factors
D. All of the above
Ans: D
Q18. The following are the characteristics of Negative Stress:
A. It cause anxiety
B. It feels unpleasant
C. It decreases performance
D. All of the above
Ans: D
Q19. Identify the challenge coming under securing the information.
A. Security
B. Signaling
C. Power Consumption
D. Presence Detectio
Ans: A
Q20. There is the prospect of immediate __________ in oral communication.
A. Reaction
B. Reflection
C. Response
D. Reset
Ans: C
Q21. Stress related to _________strain/tension.
A. Mental
B. Emotional
C. Physical
D. All of the above
Ans: D
Q22. Which is not the measure for the personality assessment?
A. Communication
B. Body Language
C. Color
D. Dressing
Ans: C
Q23. Which of the following is not an application of IoT?
A. Wearables
B. Smart Grid
C. Arduino
D. Smart City
Ans: C
Q24. Likes and dislikes of learner depends on state of mind, which is __________ .
A. Attitude
B. Aptitude
C. Motivation
D. Intelligence
Ans: A
Q25. A real or perceived threat or challenge that causes the body to produce a response is an ………………….
A. Frustration
B. Phobia
C. Injury
D. Stressor
Ans: D
Q26. Which kind of word to be avoided for verbal communication?
A. Simple
B. Technical
C. Easy
D. Local language
Ans: B
Q27. In the concept of Internet of Things, Things include:
A. Computer like Device
B. Non-Computer Device
C. Any electric Device
D. All of the above
Ans: D
Q28. Which type of negotiation necessitates the presence of an observer?
A. Formal
B. Informal
C. Both
D. Friendly
Ans: C
Q29. The role of a moderator is:
A. Focus on group
B. Managing the dynamics
C. Smooth running of discussion
D. All of these
Ans: B
Q30. What are the effective stages of IoT architecture?
A. Internet gateway, Edge information
B. Sensors and Actuators
C. Data center and cloud analysis
D. All of these
Ans: D
Q31. Which type of IoT communication model is bi-directional and fully duplex?
A. Publish-Subscribe
B. Request - Response
C. Exclusive Pair
D. Push-Pull
Ans: C
Q32. In bar code system………………….
A. No line of sight required for reading
B. Same as RFID system
C. From any angle reader can read
D. Line of sight required for reading
Ans: B
Q33. The leadership trait/traits is/are:
A. To influence people
B. To guide followers
C. To achieve a common goal
D. All of these
Ans: D
Q34. The stress management technique based on mental exercises which to produces the relaxation response:
A. Autogenic Technique
B. Eating
C. Sleeping
D. Medicine intake
Ans: A
Q35. The messages meant for the general public and that sent to a specific group are called ……………. respectively. आम जनता के लिए भेजे गए और किसी विशिष्ट समूह को भेजे गए संदेशों को ………… कहा जाता है। क्रमश।
A. Circular, Memo
B. Notice, Circular
C. Note, Circular
D. Minute, Circular
Ans: B
Q36. The routine reports prepared in time-intervals like daily, weekly, monthly…… are called: दैनिक, साप्ताहिक, मासिक जैसे समय-अंतरालों में तैयार की जाने वाली नियमित रिपोर्ट कहलाती है:
A. Formal Reports
B. Conference Reports
C. Progress Report
D. Periodic Reports
Ans: D
Q37. Self-esteem promotes _______.
A. Self-worth
B. Disappointment
C. Failure
D. ill-health
Ans: C
Q38. The communication process comprises of:
A. Sender (Decoder) Þchannel ÞReceiver (Encoder) ÞResponse ÞFeedback
B. Sender(Encoder) Þchannel ÞReceiver(Decoder) ÞResponse ÞFeedback
C. Sender (Encoder) Þchannel ÞReceiver (Response) ÞDecoder ÞFeedback
D. Sender (Response) Þchannel ÞReceiver (Decoder) ÞEncoder ÞFeedback
Ans: B
Q39. Mr. Madan is seeking feedback after completing and implementing his project. This act represents __________. श्री मदान अपने प्रोजेक्ट को पूरा करने और लागू करने के बाद फीडबैक मांग रहे हैं। यह अधिनियम __________ का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है।
A. Time-Management
B. Self-Awareness
C. Gratitude
D. Self-Love
Ans: B
Q40.Which is a document that can be used as evidence in court.
A. Notice
B. Minutes
C. Letter
D. Email
Ans: D
Q41. The essential feature/features of an email as communication medium is/are:
A. Automatic filing
B. Facility to send copies of message
C. Automatic retrieval
D. All of these
Ans: B
Q42. Which is not the synonym of memo?
A. Circular
B. Memorandum
C. Message
D. Minute
Ans: D
Q43. Stochastic control system has:
A. Feedback with unknown random actions
B. Positive Feedback with unknown random actions
C. Negative Feedback with unknown random actions
D. All of these
Ans: A
Q44. The way we dress is an example of _____________ communication.
A. Verbal
B. Nonverbal
C. Written
D. Spoken
Ans: B
Q45. The IoT supports:
A. Cloud computing
B. Block-chain Technology
C. Data Analytics
D. All of these
Ans: D
Q46. In a sentence, subject communicates about _______ and predicate talks
A. predicate, sentence
B. sentence, verb
C. sentence, subject
D. predicate, subject
Ans: B
Q47. Communication with oneself is called ____________
A. Interpersonal
B. Intrapersonal
C. Impersonal
D. Formal
Ans: A
Q48. Which macro confirms “Hello friend” will be stored in the Flash memory:
A. Serial. Print (F (“Hello Friend”));
B. Serial. Print (A (“Hello Friend”));
C. Serial. Print (C (“Hello Friend”));
D. Serial. Print (N (“Hello Friend”));
Ans: A
Q49. Which document that can be used as an evident in legal cases?
A. Notice
B. Minutes of a meeting
C. Agenda
D. Memo
Ans: B
Q50. Paralanguage is a part of meta-communication that deals with non-verbal
Communication. Also known as __________. पैरालैंग्वेज मेटा-कम्युनिकेशन का एक हिस्सा है जो गैर-मौखिक से संबंधित है
संचार। के रूप में भी जाना जाता है
A. Poetry
B. Prosody
C. Haptics
D. Vocalic (स्वर संबंधी)
Ans: D
Q51. The enduring feature that describes an individual’s behavior and attitude is called_______. किसी व्यक्ति के व्यवहार और दृष्टिकोण का वर्णन करने वाली स्थायी विशेषता को _______ कहा जाता है।
A. Education
B. Personality Traits
C. Financial Status
D. Job Profile
Ans: B
Q52. The language of memos should be __________ and __________ to understand.
A. Indirect, personal
B. Direct, concise
C. Lucid, easy
D. Concise, difficult
Ans: B