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E-Mail MCQ

Writer's picture: Rajesh SinghRajesh Singh

Updated: Mar 11, 2024

Q1. What is developed by E-Mail?

A. Lary Page

B. Ray Tomilson

C. Tim Berner Lee

D. None of them

Ans: B

Q2. Which of following year E-mail is developed?

A. !991

B. 1971

C. 1995

D. 1969

Ans: B

Q3. Which type application of E-mail?

A. Server Application

B. Client Application

C. Client and Server Application

D. None of Above

Ans: C

Q4. How many parts in E-Mail?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Ans: B

Q5. A storage area in E-mail Account is called…..



C. Mail Box

D. None of Above

Ans: C

Q6. Junk Mail is called

A. Spam

B. Inbox

C. Trash

D. None of Above

Ans: A

Q7. There is not a part of Email

A. @

B. User name

C. Domain name

D. Space

Ans: D

Q8. Which of the following part of E-mail?

A. User name

B. Domain Name

C. Both A and B

D. None of Above

Ans: C

Q9. A separate document from another program sent along with an e-mail message: What is it called? ई-मेल संदेश के साथ भेजे गए किसी अन्य प्रोग्राम से अलग दस्तावेज़: इसे क्या कहा जाता है?

A. E-mail Attachment

B. E-mail Inbox

C. E-mail Spam

D. Signature

Ans: A

Q10. What is a typed conversation that takes place on a computer called? कंप्यूटर पर होने वाली टाइप की गई बातचीत क्या कहलाती है?

A. Chat

B. Spam

C. Message

D. None

Ans: A

Q11. Which button do you press to reload the page? पृष्ठ को पुनः लोड करने के लिए आप कौन सा बटन दबाते हैं?

A. Chat

B. Refresh

C. Press

D. None of Above

Ans: B

Q12. The spam word related by

A. Message

B. Computer

C. Wi-fi

D. None of Above

Ans: B

Q13. The transmission of message and file from medium of computer network by… कंप्यूटर नेटवर्क के माध्यम से संदेश और फ़ाइल का प्रसारण

A. E-mail

B. Talk

C. Message

D. None of Above

Ans: A

Q14. When sending an e-mail, the subject of the message tells about the object.

A. Message

B. Spam

C. Inbox

D. Subject Line

Ans: D

Q15. What is full form E-mail?

A. Electronic Mail

B. Electronics Mail

C. Electro Mail

D. None of Above

Ans: A

Q16. A folder that contains copies of messages that you have initiated and are not ready to send is called?

A. Draft

B. Inbox

C. Sent

D. Spam

Ans: A

Q17. Like writing a letter

A. E-mail

B. Internet

C. Cyber Crime

D. None of the them

Ans: A

Q18. Which viruses spread through malicious emails?

A. Vienna

B. JS. Fortnight

C. Trivial, 88.D

D. None of Above

Ans: B

Q19. What is full form SMTP?

A. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

B. Serial Mail Transmit Protocol

C. Sample mail Transfer Protocol

D. None of Above

Ans: A

Q20. BCC Stands for

A. Black Carbon Copy

B. Blind Carbon Copy

C. Blinded Carbon Car

D. None of Above

Ans: B

Q21. What is full form of POP?

A. Post Office Protocol

B. Post Office Provider

C. Post Office promoter

D. None of Above

Ans; A

Q22. Which port is used by SMTP ?

A. 21

B. 25

C. 23

D. 29

Ans: B

Q23. Which protocol is used for send a mail?





Ans: D

Q24. Which is not email protocol?





Ans: D

Q25. What is the email out going protocol?




D. None of Above

Ans: C

Q26. Which E-mail protocol is incoming protocol?

A. Pop3


C. Both A and B

D. None of Above

Ans: A

Q27. . What is E-mail Signature?

A. An email signature is a block of text at the end of an email which includes professional contact details and company branding

B. Message

C. Attachment

D. None of Above

Ans: A

Q28. Raymond Samuel Tomilson is famous for…….

रेमंड सैमुअल टॉमिलसन …… के लिए प्रसिद्ध हैं।

A. Facebook

B. Twitter

C. Outlook

D. E-mail

Ans: D

Q29. In E-mail which fields cannot blank? ई-मेल में कौन से फ़ील्ड खाली नहीं रह सकते?

A. To

B. Attachment



Ans: A

Q30. In E-mail, which represents….

ई-मेल में, का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है

A. Server

B. Name of member

C. Search engine

D. Domain Name

Ans: D

Q31. Which part of the email address rajesh is called the domain name? ईमेल पते के किस भाग को डोमेन नाम कहा जाता है?

A. Rajesh

B. @

C. .in

D. None of Above

Ans: C

Q32. Which of the following correct format of E-mail Address? निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा ई-मेल पते का सही प्रारूप है?

A. Rajesh


Ans: C

Q33. Which are ubsolicited mails? अप्रयुक्त मेल कौन से हैं?

A. Spam

B. Virus

C. Trojan Horse

D. Worm

Ans: A

Q34. What is sending mail repeatedly to a fixed address called?

किसी निश्चित पते पर बार-बार मेल भेजना क्या कहलाता है?

A. E-Mail Spoopfing

B. E-mail Spanning

C. E-mail Bounce

D. None of Above


Q35. There is no part of e-mail address? ई-मेल पते का कोई भाग नहीं है?

A. .dot

B. Space

C. @

D. _

Ans: B

Q36. We send the same mail to many people at once Who knows their e-mail address?

हम एक ही मेल एक साथ कई लोगों को भेजते हैं उनका ई-मेल पता कौन जानता है?

A. $

B. @

C. :

D. ,

Ans: D

Q37. In mail address the @sign represent …

मेल पते में @चिह्न दर्शाता है

A. User Part

B. Domain Part

C. Symbol

D. None of Above

Ans: C

Q38. From, To, Date and Subject fileds in Mail called……. मेल में दर्ज दिनांक, समय, तारीख और विषय से संबंधित जानकारी मांगी गई है

A. Email info

B. Email greeting

C. Email Signature

D. Email header

And: D

Q39. Who was invented E-Mail? ई-मेल का आविष्कार किसने किया था?

A. VA Shiva Ayyadurai

B. Tim Berners Lee

C. James Gosling

D. None of Above

Ans: A

Q40. Spreading a mail to multiple unrelated receipts is usually done under……

एक मेल को कई असंबद्ध रसीदों तक फैलाना आम तौर पर …… के तहत किया जाता है।...


B. To


D. None of these

Ans: A

Q41. Which of following provide free email services? निम्नलिखित में से कौन निःशुल्क ईमेल सेवाएँ प्रदान करता है?

A. Hotmail

B. Rediffmail

C. Yahoo

D. All of Above

Ans: D

Q42. What is full form of IMAP?

A. Internet Message Access Protocol

B. Intranet Message Access Protocol

C. International Message Access Protocol

D. None

Ans: A

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