Q1. Which of the following is not included in the framework?
A. Font size
B. Css reset
C. Button style
D. Forms
Ans: D
Q2. Which class is used to background color of text?
A. W3-color
B. W3-color-red
C. W3-hover-text
D. W3-text-color
Ans: A
Q3. What is the default font size of h1 in w3.css?
A. 24px
B. 36px
C. 12px
D. 48px
Ans: B
Q4. Which is not valid alignment in w3.css?
A. W3-left-align
B. W3-right-align
C. W3-center-align
D. W3-center
Ans: C
Q5. Which class property makes an image transparent?
A. W3-opacity
B. W3-striped
C. W3-gutter
D. W3-oval
Ans: A
Q6. Which class is not used in a table
A. W3-striped
B. W3-stripe
C. W3-border
D. W3-bordered
Ans: B
Q7. Which class is not image class?
A. W3-round
B. W3-circle
C. W3-border
D. W3-oval
Ans: D
Q8. Which class is not provided border?
A. W3-border-top
B. W3-border-right
C. W3-border-bottom
D. W3-border-gutter
Ans: D
Q9. Which is not a valid list types in w3.list?
A. Small
B. Large
C. Xlarge
D. Xsmall
Ans: D
Q10. What is w3.css?
A. It is a modern, responsive, mobile first css framework
B. It provides equality for all browsers
C. It provides equality for all devices
D. All of Above
Ans: D
Q11. Which statement is true for responsible table in w3.table?
A. W3-responcsive class creates a responsive table
B. It scroll horizontally on small screens
C. It is same for all screen devices
D. All of above
Ans: D
Q12. How many column supports by responsive grid?
A. 12 column
B. 10 column
C. 16 column
D. None of Above
Ans: A
Q13. How many padding add by W3-container?
A. 16px left
B. 16px right
C. 16px left and right
D. 16px top and bottom margin
Ans: C
Q14. Which statement correct for w3-panel?
1. It is displaying notes
2. It is displaying quotes
3. It is displaying alerts
4. All of Above
Ans: D
Q15. Bootstrap was first introduse in
A. Google
B. Instagram
C. Snapchat
D. Twitter
Ans: D
Q16. What is output of following code?
Pstrong {background-color-yellow ;}
A. strong have yellow background
B. Both p and strong have yellow background
C. strong element with in a p element have a yellow background
D. None
Ans: C
Q17. Which selector selects any tag with an id attribute?
A. @id
B. .class
C. #id
D. *
Ans: C
Q18. Which selector selects the element that is target of a referring url
A. :target
B. :selection
C. :void
D. url
Ans: A
Q19. Which selector select the element if its the child of its parents
A. :root
B. :only-child
C. :nth-of-type(N)
D. None of Above
Ans: B
Q20. W3-text-color class is used for
A. background
B. forground
C. Both A & B
D. None of Above
Ans: B
Q21. Which class is used to sets the container to keep 1/2 th of the windows
A. W3-quarter
B. W3-third
C. W3-half
D. None of Above
Ans: C
Q22. Which is developed by w3schools.com?
A. www
B. w3.css
C. tim burners lee
D. Ray Tomilson
Ans: B
Q23. Which class adds 16px padding left and right and 16px margin top and bottom?
A. W3-pannel
B. W3-container
C. W3-grid
D. All of above
Ans: A
Q24. Which class is used to create an image as a card?
A. W3-card
B. W3-title
C. W3-image
D. All of Above
Ans: A
Q24. Which is used to make a responsive websites?
B. Javascript
C. W3.css
Ans: D
Q25. W3-pannel adds
A. 16px left & right padding and 16px top & bottom margin
B. 16px left & right padding
C. 16px top & bottom margin
D. 16px left & right margin
Ans: A
Q26. Which type of the size of w3.css panel?
A. Square
B. Oval
C. Rectangle
D. Triangle
Ans: C
Q27. Which of the following default size class in w3.css?
A. w3-medium
B. w3-small
C. w3-large
D. w3-tiny
Ans: A
Q28. Which class use for showing the main list in w3-cssframework?
A. w3-list
B. w3-ol
C. w3-ul
D. w3-item
Ans: C
Q29. Which class use to given the text is center of image?
A. w3-display-center
B. w3-display-buttommiddle
C. w3-display-topcenter
D. w3-display-middle
Ans: D
Q30. Which is the following collapsible panel?
A. hidden button
B. close button
C. open button
D. hoverable button
Ans: B
Q31. Which have the information below the web page?
A. header
B. footer
C. footnote
D. endnote
Ans: B
Q32. Which class is used to add zebra stripes to a table?
A. W3-table-striped
B. W3-zebra
C. W3-striped
D. W3-zebra-striped
Ans: C
Q33. Which is following right class for right alignment?
A. W3-align-right
B. W3-right-align
C. W3-text-right
D. W3-right
Ans: B
Q34. Which is not property in w3-table?
A. W3-border
B. W3-centered
C. W3-table
D. W3-striped
Ans: B
Q35. Which is not correct class for font size in w3.css?
Ans: C
Q36. Which class used to background color?
A. W3-text-color
B. W3-color
C. W3-red
D. None of Above
Ans: B
Q37. Which class has 12 column grid.
A. W3-image
B. W3-column
C. W3-col
D. All of Above
Ans: C
Q38. Which class used to create input control in form of w3.css?
A. W3-input
B. W3-label
C. W3-checkbox
D. W3-radio
Q39. The perfect class use for ………………. In w3-container?
A. <article>
B. <header>
C. <div>
D. All of Above
Ans: D
Q40. W3.css is used for
A. Server side scripting
B. Client side scripting
C. Bodh A & B
D. Responsive Web Designing
Ans: D
Q41. Which class is used to create largest font size in w3.css?
A. W3-xxlarge
B. W3-xxxlarge
C. W3-jumbo
D. W3-largest
And: C
Q42. We use bootstrap for
A. Web Application
B. Bigdata
C. Bigdata Analytics
D. None of Above
Ans: A
Q43. The correct CDN for w3.css
Ans: D
Q44. W3-container class is not used for HTMl container
A. <div>
B. <division>
C. <section>
D. <span>
Ans: D
Q45. W3.css is a standard css that has
A. Javascript library
B. Jquery library
C. Java Jqueery library
D. None of Above
Ans: D
Q46. The basic lists in w3.css
A. w3-div
B. w3-ol
C. w3-center
D. All of Above
Ans: B
Q47. Default font in w3.css
A. Arial
B. Verdana
C. Both A & B
D. None of Above
Ans: B
Q48. Which statement is false for heading in w3.font in w3.css framework?
A. Segoe Ul is default font for headings
B. Segoe Ui has a more narrow letter spacing
C. Heading allow a lesser number of letters in the headings
D. Smallest heading tag is <h6>
Ans: C
Q49. Which statement is true for w3-panel?
A. w3-panel class is perfect for displaying notes
B. w3-panel is correct for displaying quotes
C. w3-panel is correct for displaying alerts
D. All of Above
Ans: D
Q50. Which is first declared to become an official w3c recommendation?
A. CSS level1
B. CSS level0
C. CSS level2
D. All of above
Ans: A
Q51. Which css framework is developed by twitter?
A. Bootstrap
C. w3.css framework
D. Both A& C
Ans: A
Q52. Which class used for displays content inside a circle?
A. w3-circle
B. w3-circle-border
C. w3-cicle.css
D. None of Above
Ans: A
Q53. Which is used for making responsive web design?
A. w3.css
B. w3.css.grid
C. w3.css.panel
D. w3.panel
Ans: A
Q54. Which class is used for hoverable background colors to the text and buttons?
A. w3-hover-color
B. w3-color
C. w3-hoverable-color
D. All of Above
Ans: A
Q55. Which class is used for horizontal navigation bar?
A. w3-bar
B. w3-nav
C. w3-navbar
D. All of Above
Ans: C
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